Sallie Fellows for NH House of Representatives
My Action Plan

Committee Assignments:
Executive Departments & Administration (organization, authority and operation of the executive branch, including the governor)
Way & Means (revenue laws and operations of the Lottery and Liquor Commissions)
Joint Legislative Committee on Rules (approval of agency rules that implement laws)
Supported the Education committee (assisted with bill drafting, substituting at executive sessions, and participating at the special adequacy education funding subcommittee meetings.)
Prime Sponsor of 14 bills. These 10 become law:
Increased the maximum Low and Moderate Income Property Tax rebate from $160 to $35
The state will pay for a new 911 and Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid building if the old Laconia state school is sold.This will save Plymouth, Holderness, Ashland and 32 other towns at least $5,000,000.
The independent state audit division is investigating the controversial education voucher program that gives parents up to $9,500 per year per child.A compliance report will be presented by early next year.
Sheriff’s fees can now be adjusted for inflation without changing a state law.
Improvements have been made to administrative practices at the Department of Education (3 bills) and Office of Professional Licensure (1 bill).
2025-2026 Plan
Increasing State Aid to School Districts
I will submit a bill to remove the statewide education property tax from the computation of aid. Twenty-five years ago, as part of its response to a State Supreme Court order to increase school funding, the state simply split each town's property tax assessment for schools into two lines, the local school tax and the state school tax. The total tax bill did not change. This bill will make it clear that a local property tax payment is a town, not state, contribution to education.
I will also submit a bill to dedicate a portion of casino gambling revenue for education, and look for other revenue options.
University System funding
I will testify before the House Finance Committee.
University System funding was $100 million in 2009. Then, Republican cut it to $81 million, where it remained for 10 years. The Democratic majority increased it to $88 million for the 2020. The current $95 million it's still lower than it was 16 years ago.
Many of our high school grads attend quality out-of-state colleges because they cost less. It's time to invest in our future. With increased funding we can have more programs that match future jobs demands, and a tuition rate that will keep our college students and future workforce in their home state.