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In the News

May 2, 2022

Property Tax Relief Available for Low and Moderate Income Homeowners Through NH Department of Revenue Program

Additional homeowners now eligible for Property Tax Relief program with expanded income thresholds


New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration (NHDRA) is offering a larger group of homeowners the opportunity to apply for property tax relief through its Low and Moderate Income Homeowners Property Tax Relief program.
Single homeowners making up to $37,000 per year and married homeowners making up to $47,000 can apply for relief from the state through June 30, 2022. Additionally, the maximum homestead value that may qualify for an award is increased to $220,000 of value. NHDRA distributed more than $821,400 in tax relief through this program last year, and nearly $46 million in total since the program launched in 2002. 

Last July, Governor Chris Sununu signed into law an expansion to the eligibility of the low and moderate income homeowners property tax relief program. The law increases the total household income eligibility for a single person from $20,000 to $37,000 and for a married person or head of household from $40,000 to $47,000. Additionally, the law increases the maximum homestead value that may qualify for an award from
$100,000 to $220,000.     

April 7, 2021

HB 544 Divisive Thought

House floor speech


I was selected as one of two people to speak against this bill.  My speech:

Slavery was abolished 150 years ago, but does anyone here doubt that racism is still, alive and well in this country and in this state. 

In 2020 we saw many examples of racism, Amard Arbery, the jogger shot dead when he stopped for a moment to check out the progress at a home under construction.  I’ve done that before.  Would those men have shot me?

The Black teen in a New York hotel attacked by a woman who had lost her iphone.  If I had been there with an iphone, would she have attacked me?


And the newest trend in racial violence, attacking Asian Americans who are just walking down the street.  What will be next?  Who will be next?

If passing a law would eliminate racism, I would vote for it.  But no law can cure the problem of racism. 

The only way to cure racism and other forms of bias, is for everyone to learn more about the different forms it can take, why it exists, and to appreciate what it feels like to be on the receiving end. 

What we need is more education and dialog about racism, not less. We need to encourage, not stifle, teaching about racism at all educational levels.   It should be woven through the curriculum in ways that are age appropriate.  And I trust our teachers to do that.

Everyone deserves to feel safe, to be treated with dignity, and to have equal access to a quality education, job opportunities, housing, loans, and business mentorships. For this to come about we need to talk about racism.

I urge you to remove HB 544 from HB2 for two reasons.  One.  It places unconstitutional restrictions on our first amendment right of free speech.   And two. Unless we can talk about how our behaviors and policies impact minorities, racism will continue.  By banning discussion about racism, this section actually protects racism.   

Let’s make it clear, New Hampshire condemns racism and sexism. 


Endorsements and Recommendations

June 2024

Moms Demand Action

Gun Sense Candidate

Based on my record of working to make schools gun-free zones and supporting other gun safety legislation, I have received the Moms Demand Action Candidate recognition award.

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September 2024

National Educators Association -NH Recommendation

Our children are the future.  A quality education is a cornerstone of equal opportunity for all, and a safe, prosperous and democratic country.  Teachers deserve respect.

September 2024

Teamsters 633 Endorsement

As one of the oldest unions in the country, the Teamsters work for fair pay and fair treatment of nearly 5,000 members.  Unions lead the way for better treatment of all workers.

August 2022

American Federation of Teachers - NH

Our children are the future.  A quality education is a cornerstone of equal opportunity for all, and a safe, prosperous and democratic country.  Teachers deserve respect.

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July 2022

NH Youth Action Fund

Young adults deserve access to college and career training without accumulating extraordinary debt, fair wages and the opportunity to own a home.  All citizens deserve a piece of the American dream.

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August 2022

Progressive Turnout Project


PTP endorses candidates who support protecting the fundamental right to vote.

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   2018 - 2024

Endorsed by Animal rights activist.


Fiscal Agent:  Sallie Fellows, 277 Mt. Prospect Rd. Holderness NH 03245

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